Legal Disclaimer
Es gilt die deutschsprachige Version.
Die englischsprachige Version dient nur zur Orientierung.
Legally valid is only the German version. The English version is solely for information purposes and serves as a general guideline.
The bottom line is that we do not and will not sell or give away any personal data to third parties unless you have specifically authorised us to. We are always happy to provide a copy of all data that we may hold about you and we will delete it, or change it if it is wrong, if asked to and only if we do not need to hold it for other reasons e.g. for legal or accounting purposes.
What data do we store?
We only store data as needed to carry out business with you. This is normally name, address, email address and phone number. Certain parts of our business need more data, for example Rosetta Telecom store call records and call recordings if you have activated them. If you have engaged us to manage any IT systems for you then we will probably store connection details including usernames and passwords. If you have asked us to build software for you then we may store usernames and passwords. Any data that you store on systems we build for you to use or which we provide for you is your responsibility and we will not pass on that data to anyone. This includes any address books stored by you on Rosetta Telecom and any accounting data linked from your Xero accounts.
Do we have a mailing list?
We do maintain a small mailing list of current and past customers as well as people who have indicated that they are interested in what we do. We have no desire to send out junkmail to unwilling recipients as that does us no good. We send out very few mailshots and always provide an unsubscribe option. Our mailing list is currently run using Mailchimp which is based in the USA although we are moving to an EU based provider. If you believe that we should not be on our mailing list then please either click on the unsubscribe link in an email or contact us to remove your details.
How long will we keep it?
We store all our data for as long as it is needed to run our systems and do business with you. For example, if we do business with you then we will store data about you while we do business and for at least 6 years after we stop doing business with you. Call records and call recordings on our phone system are stored for 6 years.
Where and how do we store it?
Our data is generally stored on either our own servers, in secure datacentres, or on cloud virtual servers. Unless otherwise indicated these are all within the EU and are protected by encryption and secure keys. Where we do store data outside the EU at your request we maintain the data to the same standard as data held within the EU. We backup our data using our own backup servers which are encrypted and are stored in secure data centres in the UK. If we are managing your data on your servers then you are responsible for the data although we are happy to advise you about the GDPR requirements.
Who has access to it?
By the nature of our work we often need to have access to data that we store. This is so that we can build and maintain our systems and answer queries from our customers. As a result, unless we specifically state otherwise, our staff may have access to your data on any of our systems. We are a small business and all our staff have passed background checks and are long standing members of the business. Should you have any concerns about the access any of our staff have to your data then please speak to our Data Controller who will deal with your concerns.
Do we use 3rd party data processors?
Some of our services are provided by 3rd parties such as:
Outbound email processing – SMTP2Go (New Zealand)
Mailling list management – Mailchimp (USA)
Mailling list management – Sendpulse
If you have any specific concerns about 3rd party data processing then please get in touch with us.
Do you have any questions?
We aim to be a responsible service provider and we do not misuse your data in any way. If you have any questions about data we may hold about you or how we deal with it then please get in touch so that we can resolve your query. If you are not satisfied with our response then please contact our Data Controller who will deal with your enquiry.
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Linking Disclaimer
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Für die Zusammenstellung des Inhalts verantwortlich:
Mag. Walter Baco
A-1090 Wien, Clusiusgasse 11/18
+43699 816 44 733
Baco at Baco punkt at
© by Walter Baco